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Şantiyede toplantı

Our Projects

Amazoi Tech AR, VR, PC iş sağlığı ve güvenliği (isg) paket yüksekte çalışma

PC and VR Simulation

PC and VR simulations developed by Amazoi Tech are innovative products in the field of occupational health and safety (OHS) that enable users to learn and apply safety protocols by experiencing interactive and realistic experiences.


Fair Solutions

It attracts visitors' attention and conveys information effectively by preparing impressive and interactive presentations within the scope of fair solutions.

MOBİLİZASYON SIRASINDAKİ İŞ GÜVENLİĞİ RİSKLERİ Amazoi Tech Animasyon iş sağlığı ve güvenliği paketleri

3D Animation

Amazoi Tech's 3D animations help prevent occupational accidents by providing occupational health and safety (OHS) workers with the opportunity to visually learn complex processes and safety protocols.

Amazoi Tech AR, VR, PC iş sağlığı ve güvenliği (isg) paket elektrik panosu

AR Solutions

Amazoi Tech offers AR (Augmented Reality) solutions used in various industries, allowing users to experience interactive experiences that enrich the real world.


Address: Hacettepe Technopolis
6th R&D, Block: 4.Arge / No: 41  Floor: GiriÅŸ Kat
Cankaya /Ankara

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© 2018 by Amazoi Software


Address: Hacettepe Technopolis
6th R&D, Block: 6.Arge Kat: GiriÅŸ
Cankaya /Ankara

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© 2018 by Amazoi Tech

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