Amazoi Tech is a leader that makes significant contributions to the exhibition industry with its modern technology and creative solutions. Amazoi Tech's exhibition solutions make events stand out even more with immersive virtual reality experiences and interactive platforms. Providing a unique experience to visitors at the fairground, Amazoi Tech solutions create an impressive and unforgettable event atmosphere by deeply engaging participants with their brands.

Smart City VR/PC
The project we developed for GrupImaj aims to present smart city technologies to visualization and user experience on VR and PC platforms. In this project, we visualize various features of the city in detail, allowing users to discover different aspects of city life. We interactively present various dynamics of the city to the user, from earthquake simulations to lighting controls, from parking areas to human population management.

While the VR version provides users with a completely immersive experience, allowing them to wander around the streets of the city and examine the environment closely, the PC version provides access to a wider user base and offers the opportunity to understand and learn smart city technologies with interactive visuals and data analysis. This project not only showcases technological innovations for GrupImaj, but also plays a leading role in future city planning and management.
Product introduction
An application we developed for Akdeniz Chemson is an innovative concept through which the company introduces its own products in practice. This application aims to present Akdeniz Chemson's product information, advantages and usage areas to the user in detail.
Thanks to its interactive and user-friendly interface, the application enables users to better understand the technical features, advantages and industrial applications of the products by supporting them with visual and written content. Detailed images and videos showing how the products are used and under what conditions the most efficient results are obtained help users obtain comprehensive information about the products.
This application is a comprehensive promotional tool that enables Akdeniz Chemson to communicate more effectively with its customers and business partners, while also emphasizing how its products stand out in the market and their competitive advantages. Users can increase their confidence in Akdeniz Chemson's products by directly discovering the innovations and advantages provided by the products.

OHS in Welding Works
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Training Package in Welding Works is an innovative training solution specially designed to increase occupational health and safety standards in modern workplaces and raise awareness of safe working in welding works. This package offered by Amazoi Tech has been developed to inform employees about the potential dangers they may encounter during welding work and to teach them the correct reactions.
This Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training package provides participants with a realistic and interactive training experience by harnessing the power of virtual reality technology. It simulates the risks and safety protocols they may encounter in welding work in detail in a virtual environment. In this way, employees have the opportunity to practice by experiencing real-world scenarios and increase safety awareness in the workplace.
One of the advantages of the training package is its accessibility. Being PC compatible allows it to reach a wide audience and can be easily integrated into the training programs of businesses. Additionally, thanks to its animation support, it makes complex subjects more understandable and turns education into a more interesting one.
Amazoi Tech's Occupational Health and Safety Training Package in Welding Works contributes to the creation of safe working environments in workplaces and helps prevent occupational accidents. In modern workplaces where safety is at the forefront, this innovative training solution is of great importance.
Address: Hacettepe Technopolis
6th R&D Block: C Floor: Ground
Cankaya /Ankara
Mail: info@amazoisoftware.com
© 2018 by Amazoi Tech